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Global Business EnvironmentLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: IB00BF49


5 op


  • englanti


  • Özerk Göker
  • Minna Tarvainen


After completing the course, the student is able to
- analyze both internal and external business environment
- observe the selection process of the target country and gain information on the external factors influencing market selection
- obtain knowledge and experience of business environment analysis tools (e.g. PESTEL analysis, SWOT, Porter’s Five Forces, Competitor analysis)
- gain information about global networking and partner search.


- analysis of the external business environment
- business environment of the region
- PESTEL analysis, SWOT, Porter’s Five Forces, Competitor analysis
- the selection process of the target country and the external factors influencing market selection
- the role of market research in the internationalization process.