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Finnish 2 - Everyday FinnishLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: IH00BK71


5 op


  • englanti


  • Essi Markoff


Upon completing the course, the student will be able to:
- Communicate in simple situations about routine everyday matters.
- Understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to daily contexts in Finnish.
- Describe in simple terms their life and background.
- Write short informal messages related to their daily life.
- Name and understand some tourism and hospitality related words and simple customer service phrases.


- Vocabulary and themes e.g.: Finnish culture, customs, food, travelling, professions, body parts, illnesses, nature and free time.
- Finnish structures in the level A1-A2, e.g.: past and present tenses, object, common word types.
- Getting to know language learning strategies.


Level A2.1