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Leadership and TechnologyLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: YT00BF17


5 op


  • englanti


  • Elisa Snicker


- is able to understand how digitalisation and emerging technologies can make social and health care more effective, efficient, and client-centered
- is able to how to digital technologies are being used to transform healthcare practice from both leader, staff and client viewpoints
- knows how integrate, access, and use information when integrating technology in health practice and client/patient education
- understands the importance of shared responsibility
- can assess national and international challenges and opportunities for health promotion utilising ICT tools


- modern leadership methods supporting digital transformation
- digital tools supporting leaders, staff, and client participation
- policies and effectiveness of health and wellbeing promotion in an information society
- national and international policies, challenges and opportunities for health and wellbeing promotion


To be agreed at the beginning of the course.