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Nursing Assessment and Interventions, Clinical SkillsLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: 4_NURHOTAK1


5 op


The student
-works in accordance with the ethical guidelines, values and principles of nursing
-pays attention to and promotes patient safety
-works aseptically correctly
-assesses the client’s needs and chooses and uses the appropriate nursing interventions to promote health and functional ability in different nursing environments
-uses the ABCDE-method to examine the patient’s vital signs and uses the ISBAR method in reporting
-mentors the client according to the principles guiding the maintenance and promotion of functional ability and rehabilitation
-is able to document in line with the nursing process model and the national documentation model
-learns to use protective gloves and clothing and work aseptically
-pays attention to food hygiene in his or her work
-identifies the need for change in and uses methods that promote health and functional ability
-identifies the nutritional condition and is able to provide enteral nutrition to the patient
-he student masters the basics and the essential methods of first aid and resuscitation
-work ergonomically correctly


Nursing assessment and interventions.Help in daily actions and the use of technical aids, taking care of enteral nutrition, monitoring secretion and the use of aids, monitoring and nursing of vital functions, ABCDE decision-making, palliative and end-of-life care.Safe interaction with the client/patient and his or her mentoring, patient safety, ISBAR, nursing documentation according to the Finnish classification of nursing diagnoses, the national documentation model, use of the Pegasos software.Aseptic and infection control, personal and food hygiene, first aid, ergonomics: work posture, ergonomic patient handling.


To be announced at the beginning of the course. Material in Moodle.

Perry, A., Potter, P.A., Stockert, P. & Hall, A. 2019. Essentials for Nursing Practice. 9th Edition. Elsevier.E-book available
Perry, A., Potter, P.A., & Ostetendorf, W.F. 2018. Clinical Nursing Sklills and Techniques. 9th Edition. Elsevier. E-book available from 2014 edition.


Protective clothing at the student’s own cost.