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Master's Degree Programme in Digital Health: YADI24SY

Tunnus: YADI24SY

Liiketalouden ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto

Tradenomi (ylempi AMK)

90 op

3 vuotta (90 op)

Syksy 2024


Koulutuksen kuvaus

The degree delivers extensive and deep knowledge required for health care and social service digitalization and provides the necessary theoretical knowledge to work in demanding professional and management positions.

The curriculum has been carefully created to give students:
• comprehensive and in-depth knowledge related to opportunities and challenges related to the digital revolution impacting health and social care
• the theoretical knowledge needed for demanding leadership responsibilities

Savonia’s Master of Digital Health degree corresponds to level 7 of the the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) reference. It provides the same eligibility for public office tenures as master’s degrees completed at other reputable universities and higher education institutes of science.

Asiantuntijuuden kehittyminen

Field specific competences and shared competences are described in the appendices to the curriculum. Field specific competences are:
• Competence in digitalization expertise
• Utilizing digital methods and solutions in the development of social and healthcare processes
• Interdisciplinary partnership competence 

Master’s studies consist of advanced professional studies (30 cr), multidisciplinary elective studies (30 cr), and a thesis. The thesis project includes a compulsory 5 ECTS course in research methods and academic writing. 

This degree includes many flexible opportunities for personalisation. Students create their own custom study plan, drawing on their existing competencies, interests, and goals. Savonia’s teachers and other personnel assist and support students, helping them to define and achieve their individual goals.

Credit towards the degree may include studies of the same level completed at Savonia or other higher education institutions. Studies outside the curriculum must be approved as part of the study plan. It is possible to include studies beyond the scope of the degree. However, the degree must be completed within the approved study time.


The length of the program is 3 years. The study time is variable because of students’ different educational and work backgrounds as well as the differing timetables of individual study plans. For students who are studying and working at the same time, the study time is typically 1-3 years. For a full-time student, one year of study produces 60 ECTS credits which is equivalent to 1600 hours of student work.

The studies utilise students’ expertise gained during their working life, which is deepened by expert knowledge and practice-oriented teaching. Reflexivity, a research-based approach, and the principle of sharing knowledge and competences are stressed. The student's role is active, responsible, and critical.
The program is flexible and designed with the working professional’s needs considered. Independent and online studying, practical work and learning assignments, as well as the possibility of contact studies, characterize the degree. These studies are designed to be completed while working, and learning tasks and thesis are usually linked to the development of one's own workplace.

Courses are evaluated based on criteria that are part of the course implementation plan. The evaluation criteria for the thesis and multidisciplinary master’s degree studies are attached to the curriculum.

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Tunnus Opinnon nimi Laajuus (op) 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 Syksy
1. / 2024 2. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2027
Advanced Professional Studies

(Valitaan kaikki)

Advanced Professional Studies

(Valitaan kaikki)

YT00BF19 Managing Digitalised Health Services 5
YT00BF20 Ethics and Security in Digital Health 5
YT00BF18 Mobile and IoT Applications 5
YT00BF22 Care Coordination 5
YT00BF17 Leadership and Technology 5
YT00BF21 Interdisciplinary Collaboration 5

(Valitaan kaikki)


(Valitaan kaikki)

YO00BA44 Research Methods and Academic Writing 5
YO00BA45 Thesis Implementation 25
Monialaiset valinnaiset opinnot

(Valitaan erillisten kriteerien mukaan: 30)

10 - 30
Monialaiset valinnaiset opinnot

(Valitaan erillisten kriteerien mukaan: 30)

10 - 30
4_X992006 Asiantuntijuus ja johtaminen 5
4_X992012 Digitalised Working Environment 5
4_X992058 Expertise and Leadership 5
4_X992010 Hyvinvointi työyhteisössä 5
4_X992056 Innovation Knowledge 5
4_X992014 Innovaatio-osaaminen 5
4_X992032 Kehittävä työote 5
4_X992034 Kohti hiilineutraalia Suomea 5
4_X992036 Laadulliset tutkimusmenetelmät 5
YX00BN42 Liiketoimintamahdollisuuden tunnistaminen - yPolku1 5
4_X992026 Lähijohtajan vuorovaikutteinen viestintä 5
YX00BN44 Moninaisuus työyhteisön voimavarana 5
4_X992040 Palvelumuotoiluajattelu 5
4_X992060 Strategic Project Knowledge 5
YX00BO94 Strategic Thinking and Future Orientation 5
YX00BO95 Strateginen ajattelu ja toimialan tulevaisuus 5
4_X992030 Strateginen projektiosaaminen 5
YX00BN43 Vastuullisuus organisaation ytimessä 5
4_X992008 Working and Studying in International Environment 5
Yhteensä 90 35 20 5 20 15 15 5 5 0 20 15 15 5 5 0

Lukukausi- ja lukuvuosikohtaiset opintopistemäärät määräytyvät valinnaisten opintojen mukaisesti. Pidätämme oikeuden opetussuunnitelmien muutoksiin mm. sisältöjen päivitystarpeiden takia.

Tunnus Opinnon nimi Laajuus (op)
Advanced Professional Studies

(Valitaan kaikki)

Advanced Professional Studies

(Valitaan kaikki)

YT00BF19 Managing Digitalised Health Services 5
YT00BF20 Ethics and Security in Digital Health 5
YT00BF18 Mobile and IoT Applications 5
YT00BF22 Care Coordination 5
YT00BF17 Leadership and Technology 5
YT00BF21 Interdisciplinary Collaboration 5

(Valitaan kaikki)

YO00BA44 Research Methods and Academic Writing 5
YO00BA45 Thesis Implementation 25
Monialaiset valinnaiset opinnot
10 - 30
Monialaiset valinnaiset opinnot

(Valitaan erillisten kriteerien mukaan: 30)

10 - 30
4_X992006 Asiantuntijuus ja johtaminen 5
4_X992012 Digitalised Working Environment 5
4_X992058 Expertise and Leadership 5
4_X992010 Hyvinvointi työyhteisössä 5
4_X992056 Innovation Knowledge 5
4_X992014 Innovaatio-osaaminen 5
4_X992032 Kehittävä työote 5
4_X992034 Kohti hiilineutraalia Suomea 5
4_X992036 Laadulliset tutkimusmenetelmät 5
YX00BN42 Liiketoimintamahdollisuuden tunnistaminen - yPolku1 5
4_X992026 Lähijohtajan vuorovaikutteinen viestintä 5
YX00BN44 Moninaisuus työyhteisön voimavarana 5
4_X992040 Palvelumuotoiluajattelu 5
4_X992060 Strategic Project Knowledge 5
YX00BO94 Strategic Thinking and Future Orientation 5
YX00BO95 Strateginen ajattelu ja toimialan tulevaisuus 5
4_X992030 Strateginen projektiosaaminen 5
YX00BN43 Vastuullisuus organisaation ytimessä 5
4_X992008 Working and Studying in International Environment 5