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IN23SP Bachelor's Degree Programme in Nursing: IN23SP

Tunnus: IN23SP

Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattikorkeakoulututkinto

Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)

210 op

3.5 vuotta (210 op)

Syksy 2023


Koulutuksen kuvaus

The Degree Programme in Nursing is a 3.5-year, 210 ECTS programme which leads to a Bachelor of Health Care degree. The skills and expertise gained through this programme are in compliance with the requirements of the EU in view of the level of higher education enabling free movement of labour and experts.

A nurse works as an expert in multi-professional teams and networks, develops, and promotes research- and evidence-based nursing practice. A nurse promotes health both nationally and internationally. He or she can be employed by public or private sector health care organisations. A nurse participates in the development of social and health care services and in social decision-making following the principles of sustainable development. He or she implements and develops nursing care for individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent and cure diseases and to enhance rehabilitation. A nurse’s professional competence also includes eg forecasting factors that influence health, wellbeing and resources of individuals, families and communities. The competence also includes the provision of guidance and mentoring to support the resources. By proving guidance and mentoring, a nurse supports the individuals to manage the factors that influence their lives and to implement resources when a person becomes ill.

A nurse’s work is guided by nursing values and ethical guidelines. Current legislation and health policy guidelines in Finland provide the starting point for his or her professional activity. The operational environment of nursing and personnel is governed by national and European legislation with an aim to secure equal opportunities for health and wellbeing for all.

Right to practice the profession of Nurse and Licensing

The National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (VALVIRA) grants, upon application the right to practice as a licensed healthcare professional. The prerequisite for the licensing is that the nursing education meets the minimum education requirements. The professional qualifications of a nurse and the education of a nurse responsible for general nursing care are regulated by directive 2013/55/EY of the European Parliament and of the Council and by European Qualifications Framework (EQF), 2006. The UAS has to verify that the healthcare professional has the required professional competence.

Asiantuntijuuden kehittyminen

In Savonia's curricula, the courses form broader study units. In this way, they support the overall development of the student and the development of expertise. At the same time, it becomes possible to combine teaching and working life-oriented research and development activities.

The Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Nursing curriculum is designed so that
• the degree produces the skills required in working life
• training ensures the development of the student's expertise.

• prepares a personal study plan to support his/her studies, where previously acquired
competence is recognized
• is responsible for the progress of his/her studies.

Savonia's teachers and other personnel guide and support in defining and achieving personal goals.

Development of Expertise
In the curricula at Savonia UAS the study modules form extensive study entities. Thus, they support the development of the student’s professional expertise and the student’s development as a whole. This also enables the combination of teaching with the working-life-oriented research and development activities.

The Bachelor of Health Care curriculum has been planned so that the
- the degree programme provides the student with the knowledge, skills and competence required in the working life
- the studies ensure the development of the student’s professional expertise.
The student
- drafts a personal study and career plan (PSP) including the recognition of prior learning (RPL)
- is responsible for the progress of his or her studies

The teachers and other personnel guide and support students in defining and achieving the personal learning goals. A nurse’s professional development starts with orientation to nursing care work and proceeds through development and deepening to a professional with skills to apply his or her knowledge. Annual and semester themes and the description of their competence levels help the student plan, assess his or her professional development, and focus on studying the core knowledge and skills as well as ethical principles. Learning is goal-oriented, situated and interactive. This requires that the student identifies his or her own objectives and targets. After completing the degree studies and gaining enough work experience, it is possible to apply to master’s level studies at a university of applied sciences.


In Savonia, the pedagogical starting point is the diverse combination of high quality and working-life-oriented education and research and development activities. Co-development strengthens multidisciplinary activities, utilization of partnerships and closeness to working life.

Education close to working life emphasizes students' motivation and commitment to their studies. A variety of virtual and physical environments in Savonia and in partner organizations' facilities both at home and abroad connect theory and practice in an extensive and interesting way as part of the student's learning and the also the development of organizations. The education is characterized by multiformity, multidisciplinary and not bounded to time and place.

With comprehensive guidance, the student's professional growth is supported throughout the study path. In Savonia, every student is an individual. The training is carried out taking into account the different needs and goals of the students. Personalized education enables alternative methods of performance and individual paths according to the student's own goals.

In Savonia, the recognition of prior learning and the studification of work are used as part of the student's personal study plan when possible. Students can deepen or expand their skills by utilizing the offerings of Savonia's national and international higher education partners.

Responsibility, sustainable development and global human security challenges are taken into account in the contents and implementation methods of the annual themes and study contents.

Methods and implementation
Savonia UAS provides education, which is guided by OIS-thinking Open Innovation Space (OIS 2.0). The objective is to combine high-quality learning and teaching with working -life -oriented research and development work. In working-life- oriented education the student’s motivation and commitment are emphasized. The development of students’ professional skills and competence is enhanced in different learning environments by enabling multiform, year-round studying with no ties to place and time and by utilising learning in the workplace. The students’ comprehensive counselling and recognition of prior learning belong to their personal study and career plan. According to the conception of learning in nursing education, the student is self-directive and takes responsibility for his or her professional growth and development. The student also maintains his or her personal learning environment (PLE) where he or she reflects on his or her personal development based on semi-annual themes.

The multiform networking of the teaching staff enables the working- life -oriented education at Savonia UAS. These networks also guarantee the continuous development of substance expertise. The personnel provide the learning opportunities and supports the student’s learning. The Student Services Office, the Library and Information Services, the International Services and other supportive services help the students in their studies. The studies are based on the principles of accessibility and sustainable development.

The objectives, content, extent, methods and requirements of the courses are described in the curriculum of the Degree Programme in Nursing. The implementation plan is published annually. The courses offered during the same semester form a coherent entity. Flexibility in the studies is guaranteed by virtual studies, the use of social media and by using alternative methods to demonstrate skills and competence. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) and learning in the workplace are part of this process. Tutor teachers provide support for drafting the personal study and career plan (PSP) and or competence development.

The guiding principles in the degree studies are dialogue between practice and theory, learning in different expert cultures, and ensuring the student’s progress possibilities in his or her study path. Contact lessons, independent studies and group studies alternate and overlap during the studies. Part of the studies takes place in skills workshops and simulations in the school premises. Internship in real working environments and other working-life-related study forms, eg various joint projects with working life, are part of the studies and competence development. The students get support for collaborative learning and independent information retrieval starting from the very beginning of the studies. During the degree studies, the student is expected to demonstrate his or her professional competence.

Internationalisation is part of studies. The student has an opportunity to learn internationality and improve his or her cultural competence by studying 60 ECTS abroad through various exchange programmes and at the home university together with international students. The studies completed at our partner universities abroad are included in the degree studies. The students can improve their intercultural skills also by acting as a peer tutor student and help exchange students and by working eg in immigrant communities. The student can also include alternative language studies into his or her personal study and career plan.

The aim of the entrepreneurial studies is to encourage entrepreneurship and increase awareness of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, entrepreneurial thinking and business life. These courses are included in the elective studies. The students can improve their entrepreneurial skills also during internship.

The Degree Regulations of Savonia UAS govern assessment. Assessment is used to guide and assess the attainment of objectives. The assessment criteria are based on the course objectives and the students are told about the criteria at the beginning of each course. The student is entitled to receive information on the application of the assessment criteria to his or her study attainment. During the Bachelor of Health Care studies both quantitative and qualitative feedback is collected during each semester and the feedback is discussed in tutor lessons. In addition, the student can give feedback through Intranet. The feedback can be given by either using the student’s name or anonymously. A teacher may also collect feedback on each course separately.

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Tunnus Opinnon nimi Laajuus (op) 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 Syksy
1. / 2023 2. / 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2026 1. / 2026
Basic Studies

(Valitaan kaikki)

Basic Studies

(Valitaan kaikki)

IN00BC91 Orientation to Social and Health Care Studies 5
IN00BC92 Client-oriented Social and Health Care Services 5
IN00BD02 Intercultural Communication and Finnish in Social and Health Care 5
IN00BD08 Research, Development and Innovation in Social and Health Care 5
IN00BD15 Working Life Skills, Occupational Well-being and Entrepreneurship 5
Finnish or Swedish

(Valitaan yksi)

IN00BC97 Basics of Finnish language (for non-native Finnish speakers) 5
IN00BD12 Swedish Language in Social and Health Care and Customer-oriented Communication (for Finnish Students) 5
Professional Studies

(Valitaan kaikki)

Obligatory Professional Studies

(Valitaan kaikki)

IN00BC93 Anatomy, Physiology and Diagnostics Examinations 1 5
IN00BC94 Nursing Assessment and Interventions 5
IN00BC95 Nursing Assessment and Interventions, Clinical Skills 5
IN00BC96 Basics of Pharmacological Treatment 5
IN00BC98 Anatomy, Physiology and Diagnostics Examinations 2 5
IN00BC99 Medical Nursing 5
IN00BD00 Internship: Nursing Assessment and Interventions Practice 10
IN00BD01 Internship: Medical Nursing Practice 10
IN00BD03 Basics of Pharmacotherapy 5
IN00BD05 Perioperative Nursing 5
IN00BD06 Paediatric and Family Nursing 5
IN00BD07 Internship: Perioperative Nursing Practice 10
IN00BD09 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing 5
IN00BD10 Internship: Paediatric and Family Nursing Practice 10
IN00BD11 Internship: Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing Practice 10
IN00BD13 Gerontological Nursing and Home care Services 5
IN00BD14 Internship: Gerontological Nursing and Home Care Services Practice 10
IN00BD16 Development of clinical nursing expertise 5
IN00BL25 Internship: Development of Interprofessional Nursing Care 5
IN00BD18 Internship: Developing Nursing Competencies 10
Optional Professional Studies

(Valitaan erillisten kriteerien mukaan: 20)

SA00BA94 Akuutti- ja tehohoitotyö 10
SA00BA95 Harjoittelu: Akuutti- ja tehohoitotyö 10
SA00BA96 Perioperatiivisen potilaan hoitotyö eri toimintaympäristöissä 10
SA00BA97 Harjoittelu: Perioperatiivisen potilaan hoitotyö eri toimintaympäristöissä 10
IN00BL23 Clinical Nursing in Different Nursing Contexts 10
IN00BL24 Internship: Clinical Nursing in Different Nursing Contexts 10
SA00BA98 Mielenterveys- ja päihdehoitotyö eri toimintaympäristöissä 10
SA00BA99 Harjoittelu: Mielenterveys- ja päihdehoitotyö eri toimintaympäristöissä 10

(Valitaan kaikki)


(Valitaan kaikki)

XT00BA53 Thesis Planning 5
XT00BA54 Thesis Implementation 5
XT00BA55 Thesis Finalisation 5
XT00BA56 Maturity Test 0
Elective Studies

(Valitaan opintopisteitä: 10)

Elective Studies

(Valitaan opintopisteitä: 10)

Yhteensä 210 65 65 55 80 35 30 30 35 25 30 80 35 30 30 35 25 30 80

Lukukausi- ja lukuvuosikohtaiset opintopistemäärät määräytyvät valinnaisten opintojen mukaisesti. Pidätämme oikeuden opetussuunnitelmien muutoksiin mm. sisältöjen päivitystarpeiden takia.

Tunnus Opinnon nimi Laajuus (op)
Basic Studies

(Valitaan kaikki)

Basic Studies

(Valitaan kaikki)

IN00BC91 Orientation to Social and Health Care Studies 5
IN00BC92 Client-oriented Social and Health Care Services 5
IN00BD02 Intercultural Communication and Finnish in Social and Health Care 5
IN00BD08 Research, Development and Innovation in Social and Health Care 5
IN00BD15 Working Life Skills, Occupational Well-being and Entrepreneurship 5
Finnish or Swedish

(Valitaan yksi)

IN00BC97 Basics of Finnish language (for non-native Finnish speakers) 5
IN00BD12 Swedish Language in Social and Health Care and Customer-oriented Communication (for Finnish Students) 5
Professional Studies

(Valitaan kaikki)

Obligatory Professional Studies

(Valitaan kaikki)

IN00BC93 Anatomy, Physiology and Diagnostics Examinations 1 5
IN00BC94 Nursing Assessment and Interventions 5
IN00BC95 Nursing Assessment and Interventions, Clinical Skills 5
IN00BC96 Basics of Pharmacological Treatment 5
IN00BC98 Anatomy, Physiology and Diagnostics Examinations 2 5
IN00BC99 Medical Nursing 5
IN00BD00 Internship: Nursing Assessment and Interventions Practice 10
IN00BD01 Internship: Medical Nursing Practice 10
IN00BD03 Basics of Pharmacotherapy 5
IN00BD05 Perioperative Nursing 5
IN00BD06 Paediatric and Family Nursing 5
IN00BD07 Internship: Perioperative Nursing Practice 10
IN00BD09 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing 5
IN00BD10 Internship: Paediatric and Family Nursing Practice 10
IN00BD11 Internship: Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing Practice 10
IN00BD13 Gerontological Nursing and Home care Services 5
IN00BD14 Internship: Gerontological Nursing and Home Care Services Practice 10
IN00BD16 Development of clinical nursing expertise 5
IN00BL25 Internship: Development of Interprofessional Nursing Care 5
IN00BD18 Internship: Developing Nursing Competencies 10
Optional Professional Studies

(Valitaan erillisten kriteerien mukaan: 20)

SA00BA94 Akuutti- ja tehohoitotyö 10
SA00BA95 Harjoittelu: Akuutti- ja tehohoitotyö 10
SA00BA96 Perioperatiivisen potilaan hoitotyö eri toimintaympäristöissä 10
SA00BA97 Harjoittelu: Perioperatiivisen potilaan hoitotyö eri toimintaympäristöissä 10
IN00BL23 Clinical Nursing in Different Nursing Contexts 10
IN00BL24 Internship: Clinical Nursing in Different Nursing Contexts 10
SA00BA98 Mielenterveys- ja päihdehoitotyö eri toimintaympäristöissä 10
SA00BA99 Harjoittelu: Mielenterveys- ja päihdehoitotyö eri toimintaympäristöissä 10

(Valitaan kaikki)

XT00BA53 Thesis Planning 5
XT00BA54 Thesis Implementation 5
XT00BA55 Thesis Finalisation 5
XT00BA56 Maturity Test 0
Elective Studies

(Valitaan opintopisteitä: 10)

Elective Studies

(Valitaan opintopisteitä: 10)